Professional Supervision
Working relationally, I provide Integrative supervision drawing on the three core theories of counselling and psychotherapy: – Humanistic, Psychodynamic and CBT. I focus on the developmental process, supporting you to grow and develop as a professional, guiding you to navigate the work where it feels right for you.
I supervise professionals and trainees not exclusively to the counselling profession. Professionals such as social workers, teachers, GP’s, police, complimentary therapists, business and work-place situations, nurses, company owners etc, all can benefit from professional supervision.
I use the double matrix or the seven-eyed supervisor model which means: examining the dynamics of the range of relationships involved in the situation; focusing down on the minutia of the process; and include the impact the wider context (or organisational context) places on the situation.
In the counselling arena, I work with fully trained or trainee counsellors – I also focus on supporting you to develop as a practitioner and specifically with trainees who may want or need particular focus such as skills development, applying specific interventions or need theoretical input to gain deeper clinical perspective.
For further information on supervision, please call 07870 127 650 : email me direct : use contact form